Monday, May 21, 2012

What's in a Name?

A week ago Saturday, our little Ezekiel was born. A week ago tonight, Jordan and I brought him home from the hospital. Let's just say that this last week has been exciting, adventurous, and wonderful.

Prior to Ezekiel's birth, there was a lot of discussion among our family and friends regarding what his name was going to be. It was kind of fun to see our families, our friends and our middle school students try to get us to spill the beans. They asked for clues - "Is it Old Testament or New Testament?" - and some of them even put in guesses for his name. You may be wondering, "Why Ezekiel?" To be honest, when Jordan first suggested the name Ezekiel for our little boy, I immediately thought "no!" But the name quickly grew on me - especially as I considered what the LORD said and did through the prophet Ezekiel.

Throughout the book of Ezekiel, the LORD pronounces judgment upon Israel and surrounding nations. Judgment isn't exactly sunshine and roses kind of stuff. But the LORD has purpose in sending those judgments - "That they may know that I am the LORD." I don't know how many times that phrase is found in the 48 chapters of Ezekiel, but when I read through the book a couple of months ago, I underlined every occurrence of that phrase. And there's sure a lot of underlining in those chapters. Time and time again, as the LORD tells of coming judgment, He promises His people that there is a purpose: so that others will know that He is the LORD. That there is no other.

So why Ezekiel for our little man? Because it is our hope and prayer that through his life, others will know that the LORD is God.

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