God used an athiest professor at a secular college to make me realize that the stories of Jesus in the Bible aren't just stories, they're HISTORY. That's fact. She told us that the Bible was a credible source to use because it is historically accurate. That's when it finally hit that these stories that I read of Jesus living for me, dying for me, rising again for me, and resurrecting for me, became truly for me.
Today we sang a new song in church called "Glorious Day" by Casting Crowns (Please, take a listen to it! It's the title of this post). This song has the entire Gospel wrapped up in its text. The verses go through His life: born of a virgin, dying on the cross, and rising again. The chorus is what truly got to me...
"Living, He loved me. Dying, He saved me. Buried, He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever. One day He's coming, O glorious day!"
That has a lot of power in there! I love how the words to this chorus put it so simply; no fancy talk. He loved me, He saved me, He carried my sins away. That's history--fact. He justified freely forever-- freely! There's nothing we can do to earn this justification, and yet it's offered freely, forever! The last statement is of hope, a hope that's assured. This isn't history, but will be a part of the future. He's coming again, how can we not sing O glorious day?!
This week, I have a challenge for each of you and myself. Read through the entire Book of John in one sitting, out loud if possible. I know it's a longer book--21 chapters-- but it goes through the life of Jesus in a way that none of the other Gospels do. Realize that what you're reading is real, it's history, and it's life changing. And we'll sing together, O glorious day!
I LOVE that song!