Tuesday, July 27, 2010

God's Awesome

I just recently moved back out to Lake Stevens, WA. I was here for just over a year about a year ago for a youth ministry internship and left to go back home for just about another year. As I've moved back out here I've been praying that God would reveal Himself to me and kind of refresh my faith in Him. Sometimes things can get kind of dull or mundane and I can kind of lose sight of who God is. I can think of at least three ways that God has been answering that prayer.

The first is in creation. If you're not familiar with the sights of Lake Stevens, WA let me explain them to you a little bit. The town is surrounded by mountains. None of them are super close, like in the backyard, but some are within just a short drive and on most days it is possible to see Mount Ranier to the South and Mount Baker, I think to the North. They stand out because they are both massive, snow covered mountains but even closer than both of them are a bunch of other mountains that create a backdrop to the town which is known fo the lake that people find much time to relax on and enjoy during the few summertime days out here. The area is gorgeous, but what really struck me as awesome was when I was walking the other night. I went out the front door turned right and began walking down the hill I live on. In the distance I saw some gorgeous mountains. I got to the bottom of the hill and turned right again. Through the trees about a half a mile away I saw a beautiful view of the lake. Both wowed me. As I met up with a couple of people we continued on toward the lake and as we began to walk beside it we turned a corner and their was a full moon coming up just over the mountains. It was absolutely awesome. Needless to say seeing those things that night and the view I had of the Puget Sound at a park yesterday and just kind of left me on awe of who this awesome Creator-God is that loves us so much.

The second way that God has been answering that prayer has been through other people. I have been praying some pretty specific prayers about things going on in my life and God has been answering those prayers through the words of those around me.

The third way that God has answered that prayer is through His Word. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Duh, of course He reveals Himself to us in His Word," but I have just kind of been reminded of how the Scriptures reveal to us who God is and as we study them we get to know Him better. It has been good for me to read them and to be filled with the truth.

All of this to say what? That God is awesome and faithful to answer our prayers. Yes, certainly, but as I've thought about how God has answered my prayer I am reminded of two things. One, that He wants us to know who He is, and two, that when we pray according to His will our prayers will be answered and we will receive that which we are seeking.

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