Monday, April 8, 2013

Every (Inconvenient) Opportunity

I really don't like driving on snowy, icy, wind-blown roads. Therefore, I am still here in Sioux Falls rather than in Fargo on my way home to Beulah. I probably could have made it to Fargo today, but I decided that if things got ugly in North Dakota, I'd rather be stuck in Sioux Falls at my parent's house than in Fargo. So here I am. To be honest, I really want to be home. I would love to cook at my stove and wash my dishes. To put my baby boy to bed in his own, real bed instead of a Pack 'N Play. To see my husband and give him a hug. But home is 500-some miles away. And there's a snowstorm looking like it's going to keep me here until potentially Thursday.

So, I decided to make the most of this opportunity. To go visit my grandparents now instead of planning on doing it this summer because I don't know how much time we've got left. To maybe look up some friends in the area simply because I've got time and relationships are important. To let my little man have these extra bonding days with his grandparents. Even though I am looking forward to home, I've got to do something and be faithful with this time I have here in Sioux Falls. I need to do the same spiritually as well.

Sometimes, instead of making the most of the time I have here and now, I am simply looking ahead, to our eternal home. Like when I consider world events. I hope and pray that Jesus will come back soon. I would love for my little man to be protected from so much of the evil happening in the world; to witness the coming of Christ. And I think that as believers, we are to look forward to His coming and prepare for it. But sometimes, it'e easy for us to forget to work while we're here. To be fruitful for His kingdom. To make His name known to people and in places where His name hasn't been heard. To make disciples.

"But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me . . . But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is much more necessary for your sake." - Philippians 1:22-23
While we wait for His coming, while we live on in the flesh - we've got work to do. It won't be finished until He calls us home. May we be a body who is busy about His work, doing what He has called us to do, making the most of every opportunity -- even those that seem to inconvenience us. 
"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." - Galatians 6:10

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