Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life Is Engaging

Christmas and New Years are two holidays that inundate my mind with memories every year.

This year was no exception.

Being back home in Montana is always a delight. This year was different because of the fact that the doctor ordered me to refrain from any activities which would involve "jumping or jarring." That took skiing and making jelly out of the picture.

So instead of skiing my days away; I read, wrote, and crocheted hats. There is something about unplugging yourself from the computer, curling up on the couch, and spending hours with God in anticipation of Christmas. The weeks that I was dreading became a delight. My heart was readied for the day we remember God's coming in the flesh. I soaked up the hours I spent in silence. Life was simple and full of peace. Conversations with old friends reminded me of a two way street of encouragement. Meals were shared with loved ones and laughter filled the room.

Then everything changed.

On the first day of 2012, the year of our Lord; my life changed forever. With the sun rising over Flathead Lake, I picked through the rocks next to the frigid water with my closest friend. We were hunting for the perfect stones to make jewelry. Interrupting her search, I said "Emily come look at the rocks by me!" The rocks I had would offer her a surprise.

As I crouched close to the ground, I placed a stone on my knee that I had chiseled the words"Will you marry me?" with check boxes next to the words "Yes" and "No." Reaching in my pocket I pulled out a little white box. When I said "Emily look at this rock I found!" she quickly turned in my direction. With eyes locked, I "popped the question" and now this relationship is "set in stone."

The days that followed were a blur.

Phone calls to family and friends became an act of worship. Seeing opportunities to laugh together, cry together, and praise God together; we let those closest to us know that we would be getting married. The moments of our days seems to be more and more vibrant. Our senses heightened and our awareness increased. People coming and going matter. Without taking the time to really think about it, we realize that the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives in a mighty way.

I am now back in Minnesota, anticipating the start of my last semester of college. This will be good. Now I look forward to getting a diploma and starting a new life with a wife. Words don't even begin to express the excitement welling up inside me. Each day now presents itself with new challenges. I've got hope that the Holy Spirit will keep me as engaged in life as I am to my future wife.

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