Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I can't tell you how many times in my life when God has a message for me that I hear it from multiple sources.

Here are three sources just this week.
1) I just started a study by Dave and Rennie Garda (of Cadre Ministries) called Getaway Like Jesus. Chapter One is Daily Rhythms For Connecting with God and is filled with verses of Jesus' example to us to spend Time alone with God. 

2) On Air 1 (the Christian radio station I listen to) Jason Anderson in today's Taking A Minute - Get It Right said "He [Jesus] says in John 14:25 "The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you." God does not want to be misunderstood. Two things are important then here. First, ask God to help you understand the word of God. Next, you must be hearing and reading the word of God. Remember that Jesus said “the Holy Spirit will remind you everything I have said to you.” Get more bible in you so the Holy Spirit has something to remind you of."

3) This morning I opened an e-mail from Simply Youth Ministry entitled Devotional for Your Next Day Off in which they shared Exodus 16 and talked about the Sabbath- a day of rest.

These may seem slightly disconnected, but for me, a common thread sticks out. Time. 1) Time spent alone personally with God. 2) Time in His Word so that He can speak to us through the Holy Spirit. 3) Time off from everything else in our lives to spend Time with God.

Time is a driving force in a relationship. A relationship grows and deepens over Time, but only if Time is invested into the relationship. 

Jesus knew so well the importance of Time in His relationship with the Father. 
Luke 5:15-16 "Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." 
Matthew 14:22-23 "Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone," 
Mark 1:35 "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."
Jesus often withdrew by himself to a secluded place to spend Time with God.
When I think of the Time I invest in my relationship with God (which should be more significant than any other relationship in my life) in the same context as the importance of the Time I invest in family and friends, I'm convicted by the need to spend more of my Time with God.

I'm seeing three ways I can spend time with God.

1) Points of connection through out the day with God.
For example, one thing I've gotten into the habit of is leaving earlier than I need to for work. Once I arrive at work I have 10-15 minutes in my car to read my Bible and pray before my work day begins. I also keep a Bible in my car so that I can read it on my lunch breaks or when I find myself somewhere with a little extra time. I don't consider this my daily devotional time with God, but rather important points of connection through out my day.

I'm sure you've also heard from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "pray without ceasing" and from Ephesians 6:18 to "pray in the Spirit on all occasions." Something we can also do to stay connected with God is to talk to Him though out the day.

2) Daily time spent alone in His Word and in prayer.
Find a time of day that works for you, but be sure to find a consistent time of day, every day that is your time to spend with God. Find a place were you won't be interrupted or distracted. I think Jesus knew how easy it is to be distracted because, as you will notice in the above verses, when he spent his daily time with God he withdrew to lonely places, sent the crowds away, was alone, went off to a solitary place... He safeguarded His time with God giving it first priority in His life.

3) Dates with God.
Now here is where I really struggle. Filling the Daddy Talk. What do I mean by that? It's really important to spend extended time with God. We do it in our relationships all the time. One of my best friend's is coming to visit me this weekend. I'm incredibly excited. I can't wait to spend Time with her. She isn't even here yet and I already feel like I'm not going to have enough Time with her! I've known her for over ten years now and one of the greatest gifts we can give each other is our time. It's important that we do this in our relationship with God too. We give our friends a whole day. God deserves that too. Are you willing to set aside time on your Calendar, spend a whole day (dare I suggest a whole weekend?) with Him. Are you also willing to turn down other plans to keep to this committed time with God? That's a Daddy Talk day.

What are some ways you can invest Time in your relationship with God?

Be Blessed,

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