Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chew the cud while you fill the Daddy Tank as you live the day because it's a good day, all day, everyday.

Back in the day, there was a pretty good golfer who moved to Kalispell, MT to work with some young people in the area. This golfer had a pretty good grasp on the "clubs in his bag," knew how to "correct a slice," and could also help the new guy "sink a putt." Stretching this sports analogy a little farther (and losing accuracy) - Paul Kneeland is always playing "above par." It may be more accurate to say that in my life, at the right time, God used Paul to "hit a hole-in-one."

For about 8 years, Paul lived in Kalispell, MT. With a shorter golfing season, Paul spent more time eating sausage links with the kids in town than he did out on the links. This is something I am very thankful for - God brought Paul into my life to show me what life as a part of His family can look like.

Paul has a lot of sayings that have stuck with me for years (See the title of this post...) and probably more sayings that have gone in one ear and out the other. Of all these sayings, the most significant thing I remember Paul talking about is "Filling your Daddy Tank." Just as a car can't run without gasoline in the tank - a follower of Jesus can't run without spending time with the heavenly Father. In ministry you can't pour into other people's lives unless your tank is full. Spending time being filled by the Holy Spirit provides a way to overflow into our friend's lives. I don't know how many times Paul talked about walking down Church Drive, talking to Daddy, being filled, and then overflowing into my life.

When Paul talked about filling the Daddy Tank, he would use a phrase from the farm - "Chew the Cud." Cows chew up grass, swallow it, barf if back up, chew on it some more, swallow it, burp, get another taste, then swallow again, maybe puke one more time, chew on it again, then swallow it down and really get nourished by the food. Paul wasn't talking about eating food, but reading the Bible. He encouraged me to 'chew the cud' as I looked at God's Word. Chewing the Cud and Filling my Daddy Tank have become a part of my life as I "Live the Day."

Live the Day - Duh. Seriously, Paul? That's simple. As my forehead has grown (see "male pattern baldness" - another thing Paul has taught me) I have thought about the phrase "Live the Day." What does that look like, today? How did I Live the Day, yesterday? What does tomorrow look like? Why should I Live the Day? Paul has a phrase for that too ...

It's a Good Day, All Day, Everyday. Yup. Looking at life through the perspective that God is in control, has planned everything, and has called me to live a life with Him, it is a Good Day, All Day, Everyday. Sometimes life sucks. I have spent more time at a computer this week than I ever dreamed I would, but these have been good days, all day, everyday this week. Who am I to complain about anything? While I was staring at this screen, I got an email. From Paul Kneeland. Paul and his son Andrew came to Minneapolis yesterday. God knew that I was planning on writing this today. I just got back from a "mandate" with Paul and Andrew and McDonald's. What a cool surprise. My Dad's got my back.

It is a good day, all day, everyday, so live the day and don't forget to chew the cud, but most importantly, fill your Daddy tank.


  1. Tim I appreciate your style of writing :) Thanks for the reminder that it is a good day, even when I have the tendency to complain and everything in me says it's not. I think I'll remember that saying for a while now!

  2. Paul Kneeland really is a spectacular guy; thanks for once again reminding me of that, Tim!
    May the Lord bless you!
