Sunday, April 18, 2010

That's it...I quit!

Have any of you really, really hated your job before?

I can’t count how many times I’ve said that I would quit when the parents came home to myself in the past few months. This is a completely new concept for me, because I have always worked with children and work has been a highlight in my day. As crazy as this sounds, I’m currently a nanny. I work with an ADHD boy who will be turning 11 tomorrow, and working with him has not been the cakewalk I’m used to when dealing with children. Ever since January I have wanted to quit; I’ve even written out my two weeks notice twice! Many people ask me why I don’t just throw in the towel if I’m so stressed about work all the time, and this is now my answer.

I have been praying for months that God would show me if I should quit or not, and have never felt that I’ve received an answer. As I was complaining to a friend this past week, she reminded me that maybe I’m not praying for the right thing. Instead of praying for God to let me quit with a clear conscious, I should be praying for patience and peace in my current situation.

From that I could recall many times in the Bible where people call out for patience, especially in Job and the Psalms. Job 6:11 says, “What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient?” This was exactly how I felt for a long time, not seeing any reason that I should continue working with him. However, then I found Psalm 40:1 which says, “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.” From this I realized that God did hear my complaints, He knew that I am stressed, and yet He has kept me at this job now for almost eight months.

While I’m still stressed when I’m working with him because my patience does run thin, I’m comforted by the fact that I know God has a reason for me to be there. Although I cannot see it now, I know there is some good that will come of this, either for me, for my nanny boy and his family, or for all of us.

I can recall a poster from my orthodontist growing up that said, “Bloom where you’re planted”. This has encouraged me to be content with where God has me at the moment, because I know His reasoning is far greater than anything I could ever imagine. So for now, I will continue where I work. As my favorite verse states, “But as for me, I will look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”


  1. Katelyn, what an awesome testimony of God calling you to stick it out somewhere and giving you the answers you need to remain faithful to Him where He's placed you. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing Katelyn. I completely understand the wanting to throw in the towel. Last year I worked at the YMCA as a mentor for 4th-5th graders. Some days, I wondered why on earth the Lord had me there. Now, looking back, I am so grateful for the ten months I spent there. The Lord opened my eyes to the hurt in this world and the love that so many children need . . . and are often denied.
    Never forget that although you may not be able to see it, the Lord is using you! May Jesus continue to give you the patience you need as you work with one of His precious children.
