Monday, April 19, 2010

Take it to the Lord in Prayer

Studying in a coffee shop is probably amongst my top eight favorite activities. Since moving to Beulah, such opportunities have been somewhat limited. So on Wednesday afternoon, after a meeting with my advisor, I drove to the nearest Starbucks, pulled out my laptop, and stared at the screen. An English essay was breathing down my neck, demanding to be finished before the next-day deadline. Normally, writing English papers comes pretty easily to me; but not this year. Our assignments have all been research papers or mini-research papers or papers that involve some sort of research. I'd much rather write a children's story or a creative essay, those are way more fun.

As I stared at my screen, unsure of how the paper would turn out, I did something I've sadly not done in awhile. I took a moment to pray before beginning my assignment. In the next hour and a half, I produced more solid writing than I had in the previous hours contemplating that assignment. Admittedly, I at first gave credit to the fact that I was back in a coffee shop, the "best" study environment, for the productive writing time. Dumb, eh?

Yesterday, in my 5th grade Sunday School class, we were discussing what to do for our portion of the end of the year program, just a few weeks away. My favorite suggestion was that we say the books of the Old Testament in whale. :) After tossing out a few more hilarious, but not too practical ideas, we moved onto the lesson. As the hour was drawing to a close and we began taking prayer requests, I reminded the kids to be thinking of something we could do for our our program over the course of the week. The same girl who suggested we speak in whale cried out, "Hey! Let's pray about that!"

So, you may be asking yourself, how do these two stories relate? Both incidents reminded me of the importance of prayer. Jesus tells us that we are worth much more than sparrows, who He provides for (Matthew 6:26). What concerns us concerns the Lord. We are invited to "...cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) I love that the Lord never gives us a list of things that are acceptable to pray about and things that are unacceptable to pray about. Peter didn't say just the big things, like someone battling cancer or families being ripped apart; he wrote "all your anxiety". Nothing is to little to bring to the Lord. So, if you're worried about a paper or an upcoming test; or if someone you love is facing some serious medical conditions, don't be afraid. Just go to Jesus; He invites you to come to Him.

"'Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.'" - Matthew 11:28-30

Praise the Lord that He cares for all the things that concern us! What an incredible God we serve.


  1. Awesome words today! It reminds me of how prayer ought to be and can be a natural flow of the Christian life. Whether in good times or in bad; whether in the day or in the night, we can take it to the Lord in prayer.

  2. thanks Sarah - not only is nothing too small to talk to God about - but nothing is too big either. thanks for the reminder. gonna go talk to God about it ...

  3. Wow Sarah, thank you so much for this post! It reminded me of a song (actually, everything reminds me of a song!) by Selah that combines the hymns "Be Still my Soul" and "What a Friend we Have in Jesus". I often forget about my best friend that never, ever leaves my side. Thank you for the reminder!
