I was privaledged to go to a public school K-12 where I was challenged in my faith as I had to know why I believed what I believed. High school was kind of a joke for me though. The school work was too easy and I couldn't wait to get out. However, one thing that did stick with me since my freshman year is this little saying up above. Each day right before the final bell would ring, our principal would get on the loud speaker and give announcements, and close with this saying. At the time I didn't really think about it, as my classmates and I would try to guess how long of a pause would be between "great day, or not", but now this saying has a special meaning to me.
How many of you enjoy the mornings? I am not a morning person, at all. In fact, if anyone approaches me before 7:30 I usually respond in grunts. But if you think about it, a lot of our attitude throughout the day stems from our mornings.
I was challenged this past week to wake up with the words of Psalm 188:24, which reads:
"This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it"
Do we do that? Do we rejoice in a day simply because God made it? Are we grateful for the little things in our day that God places there for a reason? If I'm honest, I have to answer no to both of those questions. My attitude much of the time is soley based on my emotions-- how it effects me individually.
So that is my challenge to you this day. The choice really is your's, will you be glad in the day the Lord has given you?
I was thinking along these lines recently. My attitude needs to be based on joy in the Lord, not on the attitude of others or my reaction to them, not on whether or not life is "running" the way I think it should and not on my mood. Every day we have is a day we have the choice to honor God and live joyously! Thanks Kate.