Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What do you do when you don't know what to do?

Do you act, just to be doing something?

Do you speak, just to say something?

Do you try to get away from it somehow?

What if you were to just listen?

This week I've been reminded to listen... I haven't known what to do about a few things in life, and so I was just kind of going through the motions in some things. But then I realized, I'd heard essentially the same message from at least five different sources, in the last week.

It's amazing, when the Holy Spirit wants to get a message across, he'll use whatever we're listening to. He's not bound by only using 'christian' things, or things which are clearly spiritual. Once He even used a donkey to get the attention of a man who'd refused to listen.

What are you listening to? And is there a chance the Holy Spirit could be using what's right in front of you, to help direct your life?

The God of the universe isn't bound by the universe He created.

May He grant us ears to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

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