Wednesday, March 13, 2013

God Created You to be You

Do you ever wonder what you were created for? Do you ever wonder why you're good at some things and not others? Do you ever think you don't fit in ministry, because you're not sure your talents are spiritual enough?

I think if we're honest, all of us have had those questions, or ones very similar to them. They can lead to fear, doubt, and immobilization. But you weren't knitted together in your mother's womb to merely exist in this life. You were created to impact others, and point to Jesus.

The truth is, God has created and orchestrated you to be you. You are unique, and so is your purpose.

Your fears, failures, hopes, dreams, talents, raw abilities, weaknesses, experiences, locations, interests and personality, have geared you to be used mightily for the glorification of God. You don't need a title, specific role, location, or resources, to be used by God. He created and orchestrated you to be you, so you would have a unique opportunity to impact the world and point others to Jesus.

The question isn't what or why. Simply: 'HOW?'

Understand you are uniquely created and orchestrated to impact others and point to Jesus.

Realize what you've been given.

Use what you've been given to impact others, and point to Jesus.

It really is that simple. It may take a bit to realize and assess the ways you are unique, but when you do, the opportunities to use them to impact others and point to Jesus are endless.

How has God created and orchestrated you?

I'd love to hear how you're using what God has given you, to impact others and point to Jesus!

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