Thursday, October 11, 2012

Payment in Chocolate

 “I owe you so much!” – words that come out of my mouth far too often.

I feel like I'm always indebted to people. Maybe it's because of the fact that I'm prone to car problems with absolutely no car knowledge. Or perhaps because I have no upper body strength and too many heavy objects. Whatever the case may be, I always find myself in need of help.

I hate feeling so dependent on people. I hate the feeling of being an inconvenience to my friends. Therefore, I always feel the need to repay people. I constantly feel the need to somehow even the score with them. I usually pay with chocolate. 

However, it dawned on me that I treat my relationship with God in the same way. (No, not with chocolate though. ) Whenever I think of what He did for me – for each one of us – I find myself subconsciously thinking that I owe Him so much in return. I try to do the very thing that the Bible tells us not to do: I try to earn my salvation. I try to pay Him back for everything He's done.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Do you know what that means? Salvation, the “gift of God”, is a gift. If you think of gifts, they aren't repaid. They're free. Salvation is a free gift. It's something that is given out of unconditional love with no strings attached.

When Christ died for you, for me, He took on every sin that every person in the world has or ever will have committed against the holiness (perfection, perfect standard) of God.
“And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross.” – Colosians 2:13-14

As you trust Him as your Lord and Savior – let Him stand in your place before God and hear Him declare you justified (just as if you've never sinned) as He places His perfection on You – there is no payment in return. There's no way to “even the score” with God. He desires a relationship with you, not a life of trying to pay Him back. Subconsciously, that's salvation by works. He is jealous for you, but in a loving, patient way, ready to give you His free, unconditional gift of salvation. Life in His name! 

You did owe God everything. Without Christ, He would demand a blood offering. That blood would have been your's. Praise God that He sent His Son, Jesus, to stand in your place! You now have the ability to stand before Him free of blemish and free of charges. 

Just one of 10,000 reasons to praise God today! 

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