Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Tuesday nights for me, are generally spent at the young adult's Bible study of my church. Last night we went through the second session on fellowship from Francis Chan's Basic series. I learned a lot from it. Normally when something impacts me I journal once about it. I wrote three different entries today as a result of last nights' study! God is at work! 

One thing I've been thinking of a lot as a side thought from last nights' Bible study is, self-image. Basically the concept of how I perceive myself versus who I am in reality. 

Depending on what aspect of myself I'm thinking of, I tend to have different perspectives. 
For instance, my body image always seems to be better than reality. Whether it be my physique or mustache, somehow I visualize myself looking far dapper than I actually do in the mirror! In reality I generally need to work out more, and just stop achieving the creeper 'stache. (Maybe for you it's the opposite? Is it possible that you perceive yourself as less attractive than you really are?)

Another personal example… Ever since I was a kid I've had a bit of an inferiority complex. I've mostly grown out of it now, but at times, still believe I can't accomplish things nearly as well as those around me. Which I've learned is pure rubbish, a lot of the time. But it serves as an excuse for me to not work as hard in what I strive for. 

The reason I am telling you all this is, by not having an accurate perception of who I am, I am hindering my potential. I'm using my perceptions as excuses to be lazy and not press on toward the goal. It does something else too. It hinders fellow Christians from coming alongside me in using their gifts and strengths to build me up. 

You see, God created us to live in community. Not to be isolated. And to enable us towards this, He gave each of us different strengths and weaknesses, so as the Body of Christ, we meet each others needs. And in so doing, are witnesses to God's work of grace.

I'll be the first to say "I have a LOT of growing to do in this area!" But I pray my lack in this area would be an example for you to learn from, and grow far beyond! 

How's your self-image?
Is it Hindering or Empowering?

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