Sunday, July 29, 2012

Choose to Use Four-Letter Words

An obvious fact of life is that life itself is full of choices.

Some choices bring great amounts of joy.
Some bring undesired pain and suffering.
Some choices put you in dangerous situations.
Some get you to one side of the fence.
Some choices make absolutely no sense.
Some put you in jail.
Some choices bring a new found hope.
Some give you a mouthful of soap.

Many times making the choice to use a four-letter word results in a good ol' fashioned mouth washing. From now on, this need not be. The choices we make when concerning four-letter words may actually change our lives for the better.

Consider young children who choose to play. This choice is not made so he/she will be found rejoicing when it is time to nap. No. It is the time spent chasing butterflies and throwing dirt that brings joy to the heart of each young girl or boy.

How about a scenario often scene near the end of July. It's a blistering summer day ad the heat is unbearably hot. Making the choice to swim makes perfect sense. This choice is not satisfying because of the burning sensation your feet feel after stepping back on the scorching pavement. No. It is the breathtaking, refreshing feeling of jumping in the lake that brings you delight.

What about the cowboys in their tight jeans at the rodeo? As the two thousand pound kicking, thrashing, smelly piece of beef smashes up against the steel walls of the chute; the man with the hat chooses to ride. While there is a sense of relief when eight seconds pass and he's still alive; that is not the purpose. No. The bull rider thrives on the thrill and adrenaline with his hand strapped to the back of the beast named Fu Man Chu.

Maybe considering the developing intellect of college kids will help. With his/her ever-increasing vocabulary, it is not uncommon to see one choose two four-letter words at the same time. Can you say road-trip? Now, three stinky friends don't pour over maps, pack every valuable the own, and pile into a Honda Civic just so they can be back at home. No. It is the journey that makes the memory. Time spent together behind the windshield. Laughter laughed with a whole heart. Conversations kept close that will forever shape their forevers. It is in the middle of the beginning and the end where the story is created.

Speaking of being created, let's look closely at life.

After making a whole lot of something (see the Universe) out of a whole lot of nothing, God made a choice make man and woman in His image. As a result, there needed to be something to do during the day. So God chose to create work as a way to enjoy His creation. Then, to finish off His very good creating, He chose to invite His creation to take delight in stopping to rest. Did humanity do well with this? No. Selfishly stirring in pride and a search for power, a choice was made to sin.

But, God made another choice. Sin separated humans from God so He chose to bring us all back to Him. Jesus, who is God, chose to love. He laid down His life as the sacrifice that we needed to pay the price for our sin. Three days after dying, He rose from the dead and He is still alive today. Now, He wants us to make a choice.

When I chose to accept His free gift of love my life was completely changed.

As a result, I've been able to choose many other four-letter words making my life what it is today. About two months ago I made a choice to enter into a covenant with Emily as my wife. This choice has drastically impacted my understanding of God's sacrificial love for me. Each new day is a reminder to me of the choice I made to walk with Jesus.

Choosing Jesus' free gift of love is not the end but the beginning.

It might scare you at times, but at times it will bring peace.
It will take you places you've never imagined going.
It can put you in dangerous situations.
It might put you in jail.
It will get you on one side of the fence.
It may not always make sense.
It will probably fill you with a new found sense of hope.
It is unlikely that you'll get a mouthful of soap.

What four-letter word will you choose today?

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