Monday, August 13, 2012

God Doesn't Love Like Us

Three months ago yesterday, I became a mom. The past three months have consisted of talking to more strangers than I ever have in my life, more laundry than I ever conceived possible in a week, and more joy than I ever thought my heart could hold. Do I love being a mom? Absolutely! I love Ezekiel's smile that takes up his whole face. I love his baby grunts, coos, and babblings. I love cuddling with him in the afternoons as we both doze off for a nap. I don't even mind his dirty diapers.

Being a mom has taught me many things: yes, the typical things such as how to most efficiently change a diaper before getting sprayed, the perfect water temperature for Zeke's bath, how to best take care of those fast-growing fingernails. But it's also taught me a lot more about love. It's taken a familiar Bible verse about love and given it new life, new meaning in my heart. Like many of you, it's probably one of the first Bible verses I ever committed to memory and have heard countless times since. And unfortunately, it often loses its "wow" factor because of these things.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16 (emphasis mine)
I'll be honest: as much as I love my parents, brother, husband, in-laws and friends - I don't know if I could give up Ezekiel in exchange for their lives. I'm not sure that I would let my son suffer excruciating pain, humiliation and death for those that I love. As a mother, it would break my heart to see the son I love so much experience so much pain.

Thank goodness God doesn't love like us.

God's love is incredible. It's mind-boggling. It plain doesn't make sense. Because He didn't just allow His beloved Son to suffer excruciating pain, humiliation and death for His friends and family; for those who loved Him in return. God allowed that pain, humiliation and death to happen to His beloved Son for those who hated Him; for those who were His enemies.
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8 (emphasis mine)
Take a moment today and consider the love that God has towards you. He loves you so much He let His Son die for you. You didn't deserve His love or His life. And yet He gave . . . He gave because He loves you. He gave because He desires you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. He gave because He doesn't love like we do.

Thank You, Father!

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