Thursday, June 21, 2012

God is Like Bleach

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."-- Hebrews 13:8

Last night at Kids of the Kingdom our leader started out the night with a demonstration. He had two cups, both clear, with a clear liquid inside. On one was written the word, "me", and the other, "God". Then he had a can of grape Crush, representing sin, that he poured into each cup. The sin poured into the cup representing us suddenly turned purple. However, the sin poured into the cup representing God stayed clear. I think I was even more so baffled than the children! He then went to describe how sin changes us--how everything changes us. We are constantly changing (even us good Scandinavians that like to pretend we're bitter towards change!) But nothing changes God. Not time, not our sin, nothing. God stays the same. 

I later found that it was bleach, which now makes sense. But still, how cool!

I've been thinking a lot about the nature of God lately. I know He's good, He's faithful, He's all-powerful, He's always present, He's loving, and the list goes on. But I never really think that His goodness never changes-- it was the same as it was when He lead the Israelites across on dry land through the Red Sea. I don't stop to ponder how His love is the same love today that He has for me that He had for mankind when He spared Noah and his family with the ark. I don't think about such things. 

But God doesn't change. He is the same God that created to world, the same God that sent His Son to die on a tree, the same God that is working in the world today. He was worthy to receive praise and worship then, and He is just as worthy now. It was easy to see Him working in the world in the days of Scripture, but nothing has changed now. He is the same God--same Father, same Son, and same Holy Spirit. The One that created the universe is the same One that loves you infinitely more than you could ever imagine. He is the same One who is worthy today.

"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created."-- Revelation 4:11. 

And just as our sin changes us--so as in the demonstration with the grape Crush--our sin does not change how God feels about us. The color did not change! With Christ's atoning sacrifice, redemption (my favorite word!) was made. God bought us back, bought us out of our sin. He no longer sees our sin, but sees Christ's sacrifice. 

At the end of this demonstration he then spoke of how God poured Himself into us on the Cross. Then he took the cup that represented God and poured it into us, and the purple liquid once again turned clear. What a picture of the cross. God saved us on the Cross, and God sees Him.  

God never changes. Whoa. 

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