Sunday, October 9, 2011

Falling in Love with Fall

I've been getting into a routine lately.

Twice a week, I look at the world before the sun has that chance. In my groggy, lethargic preparations for the day, I read a chapter in Psalms.

As the coffee hits my lips, the word of God welcomes me to the new day. The writings of the psalmist set the tone in my head and my heart as I walk through life with the Lord by my side. More often than not, I am reminded that my Savior is with me; He hears my cries; and He is my refuge in times of trouble.

Sometimes I am intrigued by the explanation of creation and as I drive East, I see my Creator's face coming over the horizon. With the colors of fall in full force here in Minnesota, the daylight brings with it a special brilliance only seen for a few weeks each year. This time of transition makes me think of the change that God is continuously wanting to work in my life. 

Each day brings with it new sights to see, new people to meet, and new life to live.

How will God be making you someone new today?

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