Monday, March 21, 2011

You gotta unpack your bags

I'll be honest. Since moving to Beulah, I've always had it in the back of my mind that we wouldn't be here forever. We'd stay the full ministry cycle - 8 years - and then head off to another church. Maybe Jordan would even attend seminary. A few weeks ago, I was deeply challenged to change this mindset through a video sermon.

Pete Brisco was speaking at Right Now, a conference for pastors, youth pastors, and those in ministry. He shared a story of a young missionary couple who had recently moved to Siberia. The young wife had a difficult time adjusting to Siberia, and frankly, she didn't like it. After the couple had been serving in Siberia for two years, a lady from their congregation back in the States went to visit. The young wife was sharing her struggles and her desire - her readiness - to go home. As she was, the visiting woman looked in the closet and saw the young wife's suitcases . . . nothing was hanging on the hangers, nothing was unpacked. The wise woman said, "Oh honey, you've gotta unpack your bags. You've gotta unpack your bags."

This story speaks volumes to me. Oh sure, I've unpacked all my clothes - though I admit I still have some things at my parent's home in Sioux Falls for the sake of convenience. But as I listened to Pete's sermon, I realized how like that young missionary wife I was. My heart was still packed; I wasn't pouring everything into the people of Beulah because part of my heart was ready to go somewhere else and in my mind, that was okay. That Sunday morning, I realized that I shouldn't hold back, but that I truly need to invest in the people I live among, work with, and worship with.

It wasn't an immediate, instantaneous response, but the Lord is working on my heart. I'm unpacking. I pray the same may be said of me that was said of the Corinthian church: "Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yarn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you." (2 Corinthians 9:13014)

What about you? Have you unpacked your bags?


  1. Why is it so hard sometimes to not be focusing on what is down the road but to pour ourselves completely into what the Lord has called us to right now? Thanks for the reminder and the challenge.

  2. Oh Sarah, thank-you for sharing that. That is something I need to be aware of in my life (though I didn't realize it til now) and to take action on. The process may not be easy, but it will so be worth it.
