Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spiritual Gifts

We're reading 1 Corinthians in my religion class right now, and just went through chapter 12 where Paul writes about spiritual gifts. This is where he uses the illustration of how the body is made up of many parts. Everyone has been blessed with gifts. It could be speaking, musical ability, athleticism, or really anything. The point Paul is making is that everyone has a gift, and that while these gifts vary, none of the gifts are any more or less important than another gift. As he writes in verse 15, "If the foot should say, 'because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,' it would not for that reason cease to be a part of the body." He also writes that "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!'" God has created the body so that every part plays a different role, and every role is essential.
We find in Luke 12:48 "to whom much is given, of him much is required." God has blessed everyone with unique spiritual gifts. We need to discover what these gifts are and use them for the furtherance of his kingdom.

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