Friday, January 14, 2011

One Thing Necessary

Don't people just drive you crazy sometimes? Or you wish they would just change there ways? Maybe there is so much on your list of things to do everyday, or you are involved in ministry, and you are just so overwhelmed by the amount. But you are doing it for Jesus, right? Or maybe the songs at church aren't as upbeat as you like. Maybe kids at school keep teasing you about being a Christian. There are many things that we encounter during the day, whether it be other people, things to do, or a heavy weight on our shoulders called Worry.

Earlier this week I was looking at Luke 10, and God drove several words right into my heart that crumbled the walls around me, and left me with out any defenses before Him. It was the story of Martha and Mary welcoming Jesus into their home. Martha was distracted with preparations, and wanted help from her sister Mary, who was sitting and doing nothing (in her eyes). Complaining to Jesus about this, Jesus hits the nail on the head, and responds in this way:

"Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42)

After reading this section, I knew that if I replaced Martha's name with my own, it would be true of me as well. I have welcomed Jesus into my life, given it into His hands to guide as I follow Him - I am committed to live for Him. The voices of this world say "good enough! Now get busy! Then you will have much success!" And I am distracted with preparations of sharing Jesus to others, and even by doing them. I am distracted by other people who drive me crazy, or who I wish I could be more like others. I let others take the rudder of my life and I fill up my life with things that I think are necessary. But in God's eyes, I am just worried and bothered by so many things - things that don't even matter without Jesus. I see that I am a Martha.

But what was Mary doing? She was not sitting and doing nothing, but sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to Him! Jesus said that this was THE ONE THING NECESSARY. It isn't necessary to worry or be bothered by things. It isn't necessary to keep your schedule so full you overlap. The only thing necessary is to be with Jesus - to sit at His feet and listen to Him.

But that isn't telling others about Jesus? That isn't "going and making disciples." How can that be the one thing necessary?

In this passage, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of the Greatest Commandment - to love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And when you do this - when you sit at Jesus' feet and listen to Him and fall in love with Him every day, everything else falls into place. We are able to share about Him to others. Our busy lives are accomplished with more energy and in it all, Christ's love can't help but spill out of us, because we are full of Him.

God brought several questions to me to honestly answer Him: "Are you living with Christ, rather than just for Him? Are you willing to do the one thing necessary?" Neither He or I were satisfied with my answers, but only by His strength can come before Him, sit at His feet, listen, and am filled with Him. My prayer is that God would mold me into a "Mary" who can't help but just sit at His feet. O, Jesus give me that passion.

Strive for the "one thing necessary," and watch Christ work in your life. I can't wait to see what He will do in mine!

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