Thursday, June 10, 2010

7 pm is CST

So here's the deal ...

First impressions are a big deal. Bad first impressions are a bad deal. For some people, first impressions are beneficial, and for others they are a haunting reminder of the power of words. My first impression of this goatee wearing, Bible carrying, balding youth leader guy was great - where others saw him as blunt and insensitive - I saw honesty, passion, humor, and a desire to connect with real people in a real way. Seth Schmautz was the name of this guy helping establish the ministry of Young Life in Kalispell.

As a sophomore at Flathead High School, Seth and I started to build a friendship that would rival the likes of Siskel & Ebert, Lenon & McCartney, Belushi & Ackroyd, Simon & Garfunkel, Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay, James & John, and of course, Abercrombie & Fitch. Over the past seven years, Seth and I have climbed a few mountains, traveled thousands of miles, read a couple books, eaten hundreds of hamburgers, and drank gallons of coffee together. Now is this a recipe for a successful friendship? I would argue yes, but it could also be a recipe for disaster.

Sometimes Seth unintentionally teaches me things that will never benefit my life in any way shape or form. (eg. consistently being late for everything) Seth has taught me other habits, lessons, activities, skills, and ways of living that will forever be a part of who I am. I can only give God credit for the things Seth has shown me in this life. It is through the Holy Spirit that Seth's words, actions, and listening ears have brought me to the feet of Jesus time and time again.

5 things Seth Schmautz threw into my world that have helped me stay alive.

Climb Mountains - Literally and figuratively. There's nothing like standing on top of a mountain after carrying yourself to the top only to ski as fast as possible to the bottom. To do this you've got to be prepared, work hard, and enjoy the time you have on the way up, standing on top enjoying the view, and as you go down. Sometimes God gives you a "mountain top experience" but that's not everyday reality. Whether you're at the top enjoying the view, falling to the bottom, or kicking your toes on the way up; there is opportunity to thank God and remember that He is in control.

Appreciate the Arts - Read books. Look at pictures. Listen to music. Watch movies. Discuss the meaning, message, and pointlessness behind these things. Make your own art. Learn new songs on the guitar. Rework old songs. Take pictures. Make yellow snow. Use discretion when recommending art to other people. Use art to point others to Jesus. Sing songs that have the "La La La" part repeating after every chorus. Use a journal to keep your thoughts from sneaking out your ears. Maps are marvelous.

Windshield Time - Long road trips are valuable time to talk to God, to friends, or talk to yourself. Be silent. Listening to new music is often best when watching the mile markers fly by at incredible speeds. Carry duct tape. Watch bugs splatter on glass. Brainstorm t-shirt ideas. Think of new catch phrases. If you are tired, pull over and sleep - wherever you are. Drive fast and take chances.

Communicate Creatively - People like to communicate with each other. We use cell phones, email, letters, instant messaging, coffee shops, Facebook, restaurants, and Skype. With God we use Sunday morning, meal time, and our quiet time. Just what does it mean to worship? How do we communicate with our Creator? Is our way of communicating with God as diverse as the way we connect with our friends?

Real Relationships - First with God. Second with the people around me. Am I open and honest? Do I want to grow deeper, learn more, and have adventures? How do these relationships work? Am I bored? Have I read the love letter from the one who has always been interested in me?

Think about these things. When you're done, talk to someone about it.


  1. good thoughts tim, how long have you had this blog?

  2. Mike - it's the AFLC Youth Ministry's Young Adults adventure. started this spring. spread the word brother!

  3. Excellant thoughts there Timster Bimster Boo. Did you know that I have trouble taking a nap? Yes even if I am exhausted and ill. I guess I am thinking that I will miss out on something going on. Like a rain storm, or a rain bow, or a moose, or a phone call, or a chance to go biking or hiking!!!! Communicating with God can be done any time or all the time--I talk to him alot--even when parking the car--Thanks God for opening up that spot so close to where I needed to be!!!

  4. Herset,
    It's good to see you spew these golden thoughts onto the computer screen. I appreciate it. I'm eating Doritos and experiencing the arts (music) right now. Fo sho. I owe you a call. God be with you till we meet again.

  5. Seth sounds like the kind of guy I would like to marry!

    Sarah S.
