Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bible Study - “Remain Calm” OR David’s Really, Really, Really Bad, Awful Day

There is an account in I Samuel 29-30 that I had never spent much time thinking about before this summer. The context unfolds after a bunch of things we are familiar with:
  • David has been anointed, but Saul is still in the position of king (Hmmm)
  • David has killed Goliath, the Philistine champion (Yeah!)
  • Saul pursued David, but David escapes (Twice!)
While David and his men are hiding among the Philistines (huh?!?...yep, hiding among the enemy), David has a day like no other. His perseverance and strength teach our hearts to hold on to the Lord through the hardest situations.

1) David faces a bunch of hardship. What does each of the following verses describe him losing?

-- I Sam. 29:6-10 --
-- I Sam. 30:1-5 --
-- I Sam. 30:6a --

2) What did David do in the face of such challenges in I Samuel 30:6b? What does that mean from the testimony of the rest of Scripture?

3) David approaches the Lord about the situation. What does David hear from the Lord I Samuel 30:7-8?

4) Read I Samuel 30:9-19. How did this encounter with the Lord lead David to act? What was the final result of David’s response to God’s directive?

5) How does this lesson impact your situation? In what ways does the Lord want you to respond by faith right now?

by Jason Holt
originally posted September 2009

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