Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God's Fun

This morning I am flying to Minneapolis, MN to visit my family for a few days. I am really looking forward to it. Not only because I get to see my family for a while, whom I haven't seen in about five months, but because whenever I travel it seems that God has something fun and exciting in store for me to learn. Let me tell you, it has already started out well.

I made it to the airport on time, which is not really all that special, but considering we left late and missed our exit it seems pretty good to me. I made it through security alright and even got to have a full body scan going through security :) (it really wasn't all that bad). Here is the greatest part though, just after we had taken off I was journaling and praying and felt led to open my Bible. Unsure of what to read I sat there for a little bit praying about it and was led to open up to Psalm 136:7. I had no idea what the verse was about but quickly found it and this is what it says, "The God who filled the skies with light, His love never quits." The cool part about this is that after we had taken off and were just coming above the cloud cover, the sun burst through the window and I was like, "Oh, that's really cool and really bright." Isn't God cool?

God is all about doing stuff like that. I have been highly encouraged by just that little reminder that the God who makes the skies light up is the same God who loves me, and His love never quits. He does this for all of us. He knows each one of us so intimately that He could be doing something like this to remind me of His love and at the very same time be doing something else completely different, to someone completely different; all the way across the world. He's so awesome. I am totally looking forward to seeing what else He has in store for me on this trip.

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