Thursday, January 31, 2013

Can You See Me?

 Have you ever felt invisible?

Often times I feel like I have an invisibility cloak on, which is funny because one would think you could easily spot me in my bright red coat and super blonde hair. But I get overlooked, ignored, and forgotten. This is something that has really hurt throughout my life.

But you know what? The Bible is filled with invisible people. People that were overlooked, ignored, and forgotten. People that society found no purpose for, or if they did, they were labeled as such and could never change. These men and women were the beggars, the cripples, the prostitutes. However, Jesus saw them. 

If you think about it, the world is filled with invisible people too. The women that are stuck in human trafficking, the children that are forced to serve in the LRA in Africa, the orphans that cry out for food or even the smallest ounce of love. Closer to home: the men and women that mindlessly work their 9-5 for a paycheck only to sleep and repeat the next day, the college students that seek to find their value in sex, alcohol, and drugs, or the quiet teenager that struggles as his/her family falls apart. Does anyone see these people? 

It's easy to get wrapped up in myself and throw a pity party when I feel invisible. But what about the other billions of people that are hurting on this earth? The ones that are overlooked, ignored, and forgotten. 

"When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your disability.” -- Luke 13:12

Those are three of my favorite words in the Bible. Simple, but Jesus saw her. Throughout His life on earth, Jesus saw the least of society and let them know. Jesus sees the children starving in Asia and He sees the broken family struggling in Brazil. But He also sees you, in all your hurt and sorrow, in all your joy and gladness. There is not a day where you are invisible to the Creator of the Universe, the Highest King, the Savior of the world. That's pretty neat. 

Not only did He see them in their hurt, but He sought to find a way to fix it -- not their temporal hurt per say, but their eternal hurt lost from God-- but He saw their need for salvation. And He did something about it. That dark, bleek day on the cross, Jesus saw you. He saw your sin, in all its ugliness, and He stayed there until death. But He also saw you when He didn't stay dead, because He rose so that we can live with Him forever!

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