Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Church Involvement in 7 C's

God has been doing a lot in my life to teach me and prod me about involvement in His Body. Specifically in regards to the local congregation.

In reflecting on what He's been teaching me, and calling me to, I've come up with seven 'C' words to describe what I believe Church involvement should look like.

Connect - Get connected with a local group of believers.

Commit - In our present age, committing to just about anything is contrary to the norm. It's messy, and it's hard. But if we desire to see change and growth, we need to stop hopping from church to church, and commit to one local group of believers.

Congregate - Just because you've connected and committed, doesn't mean you are regularly engaged with fellow believers. This too is vital. Regularly congregate with those whom you've connected with and committed to.

Communicate - Share what God is doing in your life, and learn what He's doing in the lives of those whom you congregate with.

Care - Show those whom you've connected with, committed to, congregate with, and communicate with that you care for them. This can take many different forms. But in general, it's just loving on them. 

Contemplate - At the place where you've connected, committed, and regularly congregate, the Word of God should be constantly integrated. And so, as you hear it, read it, and speak it; contemplate it. Don't just let it go in one ear and out the other. 

Carryout - To be in a setting where we have connected, committed, congregated, communicated, cared, and contemplated is a rare thing in this world. So go ahead and carry it out with you in whatever you do and wherever you go in life. The Gospel is shared by us carrying it out, from within the church walls, into the world in which we live.

Here's a quote to ponder from Pastor Justin Buzzard of Garden City Church; 
"There's a difference between going to church and being the church all week long."

What are ways in which you can better Connect, Commit, Congregate, Communicate, Care, Contemplate, and Carryout your Church involvement?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Micah for your first entry. Thoughtful quote to end with.
