Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pedal with Jesus

Being an optimist makes it difficult to complain. I have learned the optimistic way to be pessimistic. By using the words "My least favorite ..." before announcing the negative aspects of something in this world, I adhere to my optimistic tendencies. Now I am an extreme advocate for the winter season, but my least favorite thing about winter is the fact that riding my bike happens less frequently. November has been beautiful so far with warmer than usual temperatures keeping me pedaling in the afternoon sun.

My least favorite thing about riding bikes is going against the wind. As I pedal harder than normal, I go slower than normal. My flowing locks are similar to amber waves of grain, but my ground speed is like molasses flowing uphill in January. I am not crying about it, I just got a bunch of dirt blown into my eyes. Bicycles with humans on them are about as aerodynamic as a Winnebago. Seeing other cyclists, I clinch my teeth, put my head down, and try to prove to them and to me that I can do it. Going against the wind is my least favorite thing about riding bikes.

On the flip side, going with the wind is great! Speeds increase with little effort. Like a catamaran on the open sea, I use the wind to my advantage. Now I am passing school buses and chasing migratory birds. Combining the effects of a strong tail wind with the pull of gravity, my cheeks flap so violently I fear my beard may fall off. I'm not crying about it, I just went so fast with my eyes wide open that my tear ducts were activated. Fellow cyclists smile, acknowledging the joy that has overcome my entirety. Going with the wind is memorable and one of my favorite things in life.

A few years back, some folks were kickin it in one place when God decided to show up ...

"And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." (Acts 2:1-2)

I wonder if Peter thought John had left the window open and there was an evening storm building outside. Random thought. Sorry.

The Holy Spirit filled the room. Sometimes I notice when the Holy Spirit shows up in the room, encouraging me to live my life glorifying God, and I do the opposite.

I willingly start pedaling against the wind. After a while I feel worn out. I'm going nowhere fast. Finding myself frustrated because I know it's easier to go the other direction, my body keeps pushing as my heart pounds harder. Attempting to hold onto my pride, people notice that I'm working harder than I have to, I'm wearing out quickly, and I'm making excuses to justify my behavior. My least favorite part about relying on my own strength is admitting that I'm wrong.

Turning the opposite direction brings joy back to my heart. The wind is pushing me forward. My body begins to rest. Moving forward, I notice the scenery. No longer winded, I have significant conversations with the people around me. Instead of a tornado of negativity smashing inside my skull, my thoughts are clear, focused, and positive. Realizing the ease of going with the breeze, I must remember where I'm coming from,and look forward to where I'm going.

When the Holy Spirit makes it clear to me what sin I need to repent, what steps I need to take, or what person to pray for, I have the choice to follow my Guide or do my own thing. As I've learned what intimacy with the Almighty is like, I realize that happens when I'm going with the wind. What made me choose to go against the wind, making my relationship with Christ suffer?

Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." (John 14:25-26)

I want to pedal with the wind on a tandem bike with Jesus.

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