Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bible Study - Romans 8:28-29

Read Romans 8:28-29

1. Do you think that it is common for people to misunderstand Romans 8:28?

What do you think some common misunderstandings are?

2. Are there any recent experiences in your life that are making you wonder or question how God is going to be able to use them in your life?

What are they?

3. What do you think that verse 28 actually means when it says, “all things work together for good?”

4. What does verse 29 say that it means?

5. Oftentimes people assume from this verse that God is simply going to take their circumstances and make them better than what they are currently going through. That is not what the Scripture is saying here. God is much more interested in seeing us become more and more conformed into the image of Jesus. That is what Paul means when He say that God can use all these things for our good. It is definitely for our good to be conformed into the image of Jesus.

Does hearing that make you angry with God; or can you be satisfied knowing that your circumstances may not change, but you are becoming more and more like Christ?

6. Looking back, what are some ways that you can see how God has changed and molded you?

What are some ways that you think He might be trying to change you even now? Are you resisting that change?

If so, flee to the feet of Jesus and seek His forgiveness; that His work might continue to bear fruit in your life.

7. If you are not a follower of Christ and do not love Him, do not assume that these verses are for you. They are a promise to those who love God. For those of you who do love God, be excited. Know that God is working in your life to conform you more and more into the image of Jesus. How exciting is that? Very, if you ask me.

by Justin Kantonen

originally posted January 2009

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