Friday, September 21, 2012

Constant Change

Today is a much anticipated day.


Because it's Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday?


Because the iPhone 5 was released today.

People have been on the edge of their seats for a long time waiting for this day. Siri has whispered quietly to so many people, "Patience is a virtue." Now the day is finally here.

But what will people say tomorrow?

There is bound to be something new, something "better", and something everyone will want to have. Technology is always changing and our expectations are rearranging.

This is not new.

Consider for example, these excerpts from "The Way" a 1972 translation of the Bible at the beginning of the Gospel of John.

"We live in an exciting world. We who are you in the 20th century balance atop a surfer's wave of accelerating action. This restless, pulsating action affects our lives in many ways ... scientific advances are changing the way we shop, travel, learn, and relax.

 Projections about flat TV's, computer regulated traffic, air travel to anywhere in the world in forty-five minutes, pocket computers, cities below the surface of the sea - all seem like science fiction, yet reputable scientists are predicting them. But as we read and hear about the widening stream of these innovations, we often get strange concepts about God's role in all these changes. 

Somehow, in our modern times, we get the idea that God was able to put together trees and animals and mountains, but that he really can't keep up on such things as jet travel, new cars, satellite TV, contemporary music, and fantastic computer advances. Yet God set up all the principles by which our electronic age functions.

The magnificent truth - for each of us who really cares to find it out - is that the Person who masterminded all creation was once breathing, sleeping, and eating on this planet Earth just as you and I are: and we can get acquainted with him!" 

From there, the encouragement is to carefully read the first five verses of the book of John, consider what is going on in the world around you, and see how Jesus relates to you today.

"Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. He created everything there is - nothing exists that he didn't make. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind. His life is the light that shines through the darkness - and the darkness can never extinguish it." (John 1:1-5 The Living Bible)

Reading these two things completely blew my socks off.

I am writing this bare foot.

Forty years after this was written, we take for granted most of the technology that was anticipated.

Even more, how much do we forget that God knew that this Friday would take place. As he was shaping the planet we call home, he knew how much His beloved creations would change it, for better and for worse. We live in a world with constantly changing technology, but we still have the constant that will never change.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

So, whether you got the iPhone 5 today or not...

Have you considered the fact that God knew what you would be going through right now? 

Has it ever occurred to you that He wants you to invite Him into the craziness that you call life?

How do you and your Creator relate in the midst of a constantly changing world? 

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