Monday, October 17, 2011

Moments of Quiet and Boredom

Do you ever feel boring? Like nothing exciting ever happens to you? 

I remember a conversation I had with my good friend Rachel a few months after the two of us had been married. We commented on how, when you're engaged - you're exciting. Everyone - even those obscure relatives of your mom's you who've never actually talked to before let alone met - want to know how you are doing, how the wedding planning is going, and what plans are post-wedding day. And then, suddenly, after the wedding, it's like you fall off the face of the planet. No more wedding planning = no more excitement.

Until you have a baby. Or spend the summer in Africa on a missions trip. Or spend a semester studying overseas. Or graduate from college. Or something exciting.

But, what about those of us who nothing exciting never happens to? Those of us who move to western North Dakota, where the most exciting things seem to happen to those in the oil industry? Sometimes, it can be disheartening when nothing exciting happens. But this week, as I was listening to Adventures in Odyssey, I was struck by this truth spoken to a similarly discouraged Connie Kendall by the wise Jack Allen:
"Life moves in rhythms and cycles and we all go through periods when it seems like nothing is happening. But things are happening - all the time. We just have to stay in tune enough to see what they are, how they fit together. So even in times of quiet and boredom, God's handiwork is shown to us. That's the real adventure - learning to look and listen to our lives so we'll understand what God is doing." 
As believers in Jesus and servants for His kingdom, our lives are exciting! I think we sometimes just get caught up in the big things, like doing ministry in Africa or Haiti rather than in rural North Dakota. Each day, as we spend time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer, He is teaching us. He is molding us after His image. The change comes slowly, but it comes if we're willing to let Him work. I think our feelings of boring-ness come when we make our walk with the Lord about us rather than about Him. We have been created to do things for Him, not Him for us (Ephesians 2:10).

Next time you feel boring and like nothing exciting ever happens to you, take a step back. See how the Lord is using you in your unique place and position. Maybe it's showing love to the unlovable, or spending time at a homeless shelter, or telling your co-workers about the wondrous love of Jesus. We also need to examine what He has been teaching us in His Word and how He is using those lessons to make us more like Jesus. In those times of quiet and boredom, remember to look for God's handiwork in your life.And always, no matter what: 
"Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually." - 1 Chronicles 16:11
(The quote from Adventures in Odyssey came from album 26: Back on the Air; episode entitled "Love is in the Air". Check out the entire adventure at

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