Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Bare Your Soul"

I wonder if King David of the Israelites would have given us that advice, the title of my blog, during his time on earth as something that ought to be done often when it comes to our relationship with Jesus? It seems like when you read through the Psalms, of which he wrote many, that he was doing that all of the time. He was always dumping out that which was inside of him, whether it was anger, depression, confusion, repentance, or praise he was always baring his soul before the Lord.

That's one thing that I've found to be helpful too. It really does us absolutely no good to try and put on a smiley face before God when we are depressed or confused, nor does it help to try and be repentant all of the time when really what we need to do is get our praise on for some of the good things that God has done. Let's live lives of honesty and openness before the Lord. I can guarantee that if we do it will be a blessing to us and our relationship with Jesus will grow to be that much more intimate. Just as a couple of friends or a married couple cannot grow to be intimate without open communication so to is it true of us and God. We need to have open communication with Him if we want to get to know Him more. Oftentimes, my big thing is trying to put on a face of "grin and bear it" when things get a little too difficult for me and I need to cry out to God for help. It only does us harm and not good when we do not come to him openly and honestly.

So, I leave you with this question, "When was the last time you bared your soul before the Lord and found the joy and freedom in doing so?"

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