Friday, March 25, 2011


Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Sometimes I get discouraged when I read God's Word and see His Will for my life - how I should act and treat others - and then one hour later, I know I should do a certain thing, but in my flesh, I do not want to do it. Then I think, well, Jesus has me covered. But as it says in Timothy that we are to fight the fight of faith - and in Hebrews 12:1-3 we are to run with endurance the race set before it. Jesus' blood does cover my sins, but He loves me so much and wants me to be like Him. It's not going to be easy, but most certainly worth it!

I came across this quote today, that really helped me to realize the need to stay in the battle and fight strong.

While there is left in you a trace of ill-temper, or of vanity, of pride, or of selfishness; while there is left in you a single sin, or germ of sin, you must not rest from the battle. God does not require from you to be sinless when you come before Him, but He does require you to be unceasing in your perseverance. He does not require that you shall never have fallen; but He does require unwearied efforts. He does not require you to win, but He does require you to fight.

-Frederick Temple
I may feel I have failed in obeying Christ and living for Him, but that doesn't mean I should stop fighting in the battle - ever. He has already won, but the battle continues. And in all that I do, my eyes must be fixed on Jesus! It's only Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I needed to hear this message today. Thank you!
