Have you ever wondered, "How can I do what God has called me to do when I am so messed up?" There are many throughout the Bible who wondered how they could do what God had called them to do. Moses didn't think he could speak very well, Jeremiah thought he was too young, and Gideon had the faith of a weakling, as he needed so many signs from God, to make sure it was what He wanted him to do.
I feel like all of those things some times. Worse yet, I think all of those things some times. Thankfully though, Jesus doesn't choose us based upon our own merit or worth in His kingdom. He just chooses us to choose us. He often chooses the weak and humble things of this world to confound the wise and the strong and I don't think we will ever be what He wants us to be in this world. In fact, I know it is not the case, but He is one who will never leave us and never forsake us, because He is who He has always said that He will be. He is the one from whom all strength, guidance, and wisdom comes from. God uses us in spite of our failures, our weaknesses, and our sin. Sure, He wants to see us sanctified and as we abide in Him He will do that to us, but in the meantime we can still be the vessels that He uses to bring others to Himself and to glorify His name.
I've been really down about some things lately and feeling like I haven't been doing a very good job at life but God is greater. He is the One who sustains, and in the midst of our brokenness and our defeat, God still wants to use us in His Kingdom. I'm grateful for that, because I don't want my life to be lived for nothing. I don't want to enter into eternity and see all of my life's work burned up behind me; barely escaping the flames. I want it to count for something. I'm glad I don't have to be perfect though in order for that to happen. Christ has already made me perfect before the Father and now I live to serve Him and to make His name known, so that others too, might come to know Him and love others as they are meant to be loved. (I still don't have that one all figured out, but I'm working on it.)
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