Thursday, December 30, 2010

Believers Benefit by Balancing

Too many jalapenos and that chili will burn Grandpa's taste buds like a match in box of kleenex. While hiking in the winter, one more layer makes a sweaty mess, but one less and the shivering shakes the fillings out of your molars. Too many beans and the coffee may be more useful as jet fuel in an F-16. Only spending time with the guys is like binge-eating at the testosterone buffet; there's a need for salad and veggies, but where can it be found?

Finding the perfect balance in life is one tough balancing act.

For years I have declared myself an "All or Nothing" type guy. This probably comes from good intentioned, motivational, Gospel-oriented messages heard at camp; but I may have taken it too far. Don't be mistaken, God wants 100% of all this fallen human to be devoted to Him, but at the same time, there is a need for balance.

When I am at home in Montana, all I want to do is play in the mountains. Skiing, hiking, mountain biking, rafting, camping, star gazing, flower smelling, scat identifying, photographing, and yodeling are all activities that occupy my time. Unfortunately, these inherently good activities throw my life out of balance. Why do I know the mountain better than my Mother? How is the sound of my bike rolling down the trail more familiar than God's still small voice? When will I stop smelling the flowers and stop to smell the flowers?

I don't claim to know what exactly life ought to look like. Too often my schedule seems to be so full of human happenings that I miss out on divine appointments. When things get out of balance, the good keeps me from the best. Just as strong core muscles help increase performance in physical activities, having a strong core spiritually improves the balance in my life.

A wise man by the name of Wayne once suggested to me - "Give God the first hour of everyday, the first dime of every dollar, and the first day of every week." When I have implemented this in my life, balance becomes believable. The words that come out of my mouth seem sweet. The hours passing each day seem to be of worth. People close by seem to be close. Stress doesn't create a mess. Life is in balance and my focus is on my Father.

The Bible is full of of suggestions (or commands) to help us maintain balance while we are here on Earth. A lot of the words written with Paul's pen can be found in letters he wrote to different churches and today can be applied to the rhythm of a Christian's crazy life. If Paul was walking the earth today, he might send a mass text message or maybe post something on Facebook like this ...

Friends in Thessolonica, the people around you who are working like crazy but always seem to be correcting you actually know God really well; so don't be talking trash about them. Love them like crazy and look up to them because of what they are doing in life! Get along with each other, motivate your lazy buddy, turn some frowns upside down, use your muscles to help people who aren't super strong, and when you bump into people, slow down, take a breath, and be patient with them. Rather than bringing others down with a thumbs down, always be a thumbs up person. Don't ever stop giving God credit for anything! Never stop praying, no matter how hard life gets! Give thanks; because this is what God wants you to do because of what He did through Jesus. Don't stop what the Holy Spirit is doing. Don't talk trash about what preachers preach, but carefully consider what they are saying. Stay away from any and all evil. Let God keep shaping you into who He wants you to be, body and soul becoming whole when Jesus returns. Don't worry, God is going to keep His word; He will do what He says! Friends, please ask God to help us all. When you see another believer, give them a high five, fist bump, hug, or special smooch. Now that you've read this, read it to your friends who want to follow Jesus. God's unconditional love is freely given to you though Jesus Christ, keep embracing it and sharing it! (paraphrased from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28)

As this decade is about to disappear, take the time to realize that God is near and is willing to lend an listening ear. Talk to your Father about what's going on in life. Ask Him to help you find the balance that your life needs. In the process that is sure to follow, give God the credit for the work that He is doing.


  1. Wow, thank you so much for posting this Tim! It reminds me of Dr. Seuss's book "Oh the Places You'll Go" when it says "and remember that life's a great balancing act" :) Thanks for the reminder to put God first!

  2. well, my friend. well worth the wait!

    your words in this blog are as beautiful as you are in person ;)

  3. Great post Tim! I really appreciated the paraphrase. What a good reminder to look to God to keep balance in our lives.
