Thursday, September 30, 2010

Built Ford Tough

As we inch closer to October, I can't help but think of my favorite reformer; Henry Ford. Somewhere between saying witty things and coming up with the assembly line, Henry said something that countless cross-country teams have had printed on their t-shirts - "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right."

Obviously, Ford made this statement about beards.

Today as I strolled across the campus of the third institute of higher education that I have attended in hopes of acquiring an undergraduate degree, my mind recalled the famous words of Henry Ford. I also saw various forms of hair upon various forms of men. Some were big and some were small. Through thick and thin, ten were bad and two were good. Every mountain high, every valley low, beards appear everywhere I go.

Guys in college grow beards for various reasons. During October on the grounds of Montana State University, beards appear as hunting season draws near. In the bleak mid-winter, beards become icicles as engineers skip class for yet another powder day.

Conversations in the cafeteria fill my ears with big talk. November is preceded with the words "No Shave." New Year's resolutions already? I heard the phrase - "Just Be Hairy" January. Foreshadowing February, it's going to be "Furry." "Man Face" March. "A lot of hair" April. Celebrate the holiday, "Cinco De Mustache." Henry Ford obviously started something with his witty words.

Fortunately, some of the "think you can" guys are right. They are the lumberjacks of the chemistry lab, the rabbi's in the library, the Santas in the practice room,and the vikings lifting weights. Unfortunately, some of the "think you can't" guys are right. That "beard" just looks weird. There might be dirt on that guys face - or he's growing a beard. Why is this phenomenon even more prevalent on Christian college campuses?

Young men studying the Bible have often used Leviticus 19:27 to support this activity. Good logic, as long as you are seeking to be holy as the Lord is holy. There is also a widely accepted assumption that Jesus had a beard. WWJD?

What Henry Ford is saying and what college guys are doing connected with me in a way that only God can make things connect. Quite often I think I can do things that will make God happy. More often God shows me that I can't do anything without Him. Either way, God loves me. Now you can quote Ford and say, "'re right."

Successful or failing. Rich or poor. Sulking or smiling. On top of the world or down in the dumps. Good or bad. Sinner or saint. Beard or no beard. Wherever you're at in life, that's right where God is with you.

1 John 4:10 says "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." Let that settle into your heart, while your beard begins to grow.

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