Friday, April 23, 2010

You are Chosen. Are you Willing?

A chosen representative. Another title for Christians, I suppose, as we live our lives for Christ in this world. We go through many difficulties, joys, and times that draw us closer to God for a purpose. We may not see them at the time, or even realize that what we are going through will have eternal significance. Not only do our personal situations give us opportunities to reveal to the world what a difference that a relationship with Jesus makes, but it also give us wisdom and insight in situations to help others through that time when they may be going through it.

A friend was talking to me once about schooling, emphasizing how we don’t know what will happen in the future, let alone tomorrow. But her desire to live for Jesus, and live in the moment is so strong and of a willing spirit, that even if after getting a degree in Psychology, if God guides her in a totally different direction, so be it. Her reason: there may have been in one person in a class that she could put Christ’s fingerprints on, one person that she could impact, for the glory of Christ, that she wouldn’t have been able to do any other way. This really reminded me that God places me where I am for a reason, and that I need to make the best of those opportunities for their sake. I am a chosen representative of Christ, uniquely qualified to reach people like me – I may be their only hope. This is for everyone in every situation. Ultimately it is Christ working through us, for His glory, be we still have the responsibility of going, taking that step that could change a person’s life.

There is a meaning in the situation you and I are in…a forever meaning; a life saving meaning. Rescue those who are lost, those who need Christ. Even Christians need Christ through fellow Christians. Make the most of every opportunity, and point to Christ. Don’t let those you are to rescue down. But ultimately, don’t let Jesus down.

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” -2 Corinthians 2:14

“Lord, open a door; Lord, open their heart; Lord, open my mouth.”

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