Ever since we have been hearing about the economy being in crisis and people losing their jobs, oil and gas, and all this hoopla about how we are going into a recession, I have been periodically thinking about how this is going to make an impact on the giving from the Christian’s perspective, especially giving towards foreign missions. The reason I wonder is because as soon as things start to get a little bit tight, financially that is, not your jeans around your waist, we tend to cut back on certain things, namely giving. So maybe that is the real concern that I have, are we, as Christians, going to continue to give as times get tough? Or are we going to allow the cares and fears of this world to impact us more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
I am sitting here thinking about two worlds. We live in a natural, physical world of which we are called to be in, but not of. As Christians we are a part of God’s kingdom. We are to think and live according to that kingdom and not the one in which we currently live. This is something that has been difficult for me to grasp, but in recent weeks and months God has really been teaching me what this is all about. As Christians we look forward to Heaven and living in that kingdom, but until then we are to live as though we are a part of that kingdom already, because we are. That means that when things get tough economically and financially in this world we continue to operate according to the other world, God’s world. Not that this isn’t God’s world too, but you get what I mean, right? We are a part of God’s kingdom and ought to be living like that. If you don’t know how, you need to seek it out. (Matthew 6:33)
Jesus said that in order to find life we must lose it, that the servant would be great in His kingdom. These two statements don’t really make sense in this world, but are the reality of the other. Which kind of go along the same lines with our giving. Just because things get tight doesn’t mean that we stop giving. Malachi 3:10, the classic verse on giving our tithes to the Lord, says that when we do that He will pour out a blessing for us and that there will not be room enough to receive it. We also have the promise given in Matthew 6 that we do not need to worry about the things that we are going to eat, drink, and wear because God knows that we need these things. Doesn’t it seem that when money gets a little tight those are the very things that we begin to worry and get anxious about? We have bills to pay, a mouth to feed, a body to clothe, a gas tank to fill up and then, on top of it all, a Church and work of God to give to. Heaven forbid that we should get caught up in the economy and thinking of the world. God’s promise is that He will take care of us and, yes, even bless us when we give back to Him some of that which He has given to us.
Much of this has to do with an attitude of our heart. If we do not believe what the Word of God says we are not going to trust in the promises of God. If we do not trust in the promises of God we are not thinking and acting according to His kingdom. If we are not thinking according to His kingdom we are not going to be giving as God would desire for us to give. Maybe giving to God’s work means that you are going to have to give up something else. Maybe in order to continue to give to the ministries you have been supporting, but now are wondering how you are going to because of the rising costs on everything, you will give up something that you like but don’t need. Maybe instead of giving up supporting a ministry that is taking the Gospel to and meeting the needs of people that desperately need help you could give up cable TV, lattes or eating out every other meal. In a sense I am grateful for times that make us question and wonder what is going to happen and how things will turn out. They put us into the pressure cooker of life and in that pressure cooker is when faith and trust are activated. We begin to see that God’s promises are true. He does some of His best work in us during the hard times of life.
I end with this challenge to you. Please do not forget about the foreign missionaries that are bringing the Good News of salvation in Christ to many people around the world. Please continue to support them and those around you who desire to go and preach the Gospel to those around the world. You may be just a college student, but God has called you to give as well. Don't be afraid of what tomorrow brings. Continue, or even begin today, to give to God’s work. See how He will bless and take care of you in the times to come.
by Justin Kantonen
originally posted March 2009
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